The Sino-Dutch Living Lab on E-Commerce and Supply Chain Management

Firmly integrated in the European Union, the Netherlands are a key player as well as a knowledge leader when it comes to supply chain management and logistics

  • The EU is China’s most important trading partner.
  • Within the EU the Netherlands are the 2nd trading partner with China.
  • The Netherlands are China’s 10th most important trading partner
  • The Sino-Dutch Living Lab on E-Commerce and Supply Chain Management (SCM) is the pivotal axis for practice oriented knowledge development and innovation of these trading links from a triple-helix perspective.

    You can benefit from the living lab:

  • If you are keen on linking up your company with scientific resources to solve problems that you’re faced regarding SCM and E-Commerce between China and the EU vice versa;
  • If you are a researcher aiming at contacting companies or other researchers regarding topics your working on with regard to SCM and E-Commerce between China and the EU vice versa;
  • If you are a Dutch student looking for an assignment or internship with a company in China vice versa.